
Essence Medicine was founded after recognising the deep need for psycho-spiritual care, primarily for people facing or recovering from a life-threatening illness and for healthcare professionals, but also for anyone who is curious.

At Essence Medicine we believe ‘psycho-spiritual care’ to mean the care of the whole person including their individual spiritual beliefs and we consider ‘spirituality’ and ‘the spiritual’ to simply mean a sense of something bigger than ourselves. 


We are living in a society that has lost touch with its spiritual roots and death has become medicalised, sanitised and hushed away. This has resulted in a culture of death denial and a collective crisis of meaning. 

We believe that psycho-spiritual care can support us to find meaning and purpose in times of difficulty. Each one of us will die one day and our intention is to help dissolve some of the fear around what it means to face our mortality so that we can live fully.

Our Values


We are focused on building community-centred approaches to care


We do not lay claim to discovering expanded states of healing and acknowledge we have much to learn


We honour indigenous knowledge and are committed to dismantling systems of oppression



We collaborate with experts and elders to provide best possible care

Accessibility and Inclusivity

We believe that everyone deserves access to psycho-spiritual support


Our Approach


Trauma Informed

Trauma-informed approaches are grounded in and directed by an understanding of how trauma affects us all. Creating cultures of trauma-informed care means creating spaces where people feel emotionally, physically and culturally safe and empowered.


Transformative Methods

Essence Medicine draws upon a vast range of tools to help support healing states. Some of the methods used include: visualisation, movement, meditation, yoga nidra [a very gentle and safe form of meditative relaxation], breath work, music, the power of group sharing, rituals and ceremonies.


Psychedelic Medicine

We believe psychedelic therapy holds incredible potential to help those facing their mortality. Our HOME Model gives those unable to join up-coming research trials access to similar experiences and insights using other methods. Our programmes can also assist with the preparation and integration of psychedelic experiences.

Learn More

Our HOME Model